Monday, October 25, 2010

AICC, VOAD, and the NLE11

By J.M. Rowe, N5XFW - Section Manager

Hello all:

Last week was a very busy time for me! I attended the two and a half day Arkansas Interoperable Communications Conference (AICC), and the Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters (VOAD) meeting. Luckily the AICC was ending just as the VOAD was begininng, and I had to drive fast from West Little Rock to Camp Robinson to make it on time.

There were several workshops and presentations at the AICC, and I got to sit on a panel discussing the response to the Albert Pike Flood. The people involved in the discussion all had good things to say about the capabilities of ham radio, as well as the hams themselves. One comment in particular struck me: it was brought out how flexible hams are; from problem solving to being a net control to joining a search team that otherwise would not have had external communications. What a compliment!

The main topic of discussion at the VOAD meeting was the upcoming exercise. The National Level Exercise 2011 (NLE11), as you know, will be about the New Madrid Seismic Zone. This is a big deal, with 8 states in 4 different FEMA Areas participating. We are understanding the scenario calls for a total systems failure for at least the first 24 hours. Did I mention this exercise is going to be done in real time? And it's May 16-20, so in reality we have little time to get all the ducks lined up.

So, we need to restart the face-to-face DEC meetings to do some exercise-specific planning. DEC's and EC's will be receiving some messages from the SEC shortly about this topic. I can pass on that the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management is very interested in their ham radio capabilities, and in our ability to get messages to and from local authorities. Think about doing that for 24 hours straight! Net Managers will have to line up shifts of Net Controllers, for instance.

Any volunteer must see to the health and safety of their family before responding, and in this case it is easy to see this would be a long and difficult recovery. Plan now for your and your families' personal preparedness.

That's all I have for now.

73, and good luck.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Basic Emotional First Aid Offering

By J.M. Rowe, N5XFW - Arkansas Section Manager

I have been asked to pass this on to the hams (or other volunteers) that might respond to any sort of emergency. This is an educational offering called "Basic Emotional First Aid". It will be offered in three seperate areas of the state. There is a cost associated.

Critical Incident Stress causes a lot of people to quit or at least have some sort of inappropriate response. All of us have seen that, so maybe this course is something each of us should give serious consideration.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Here is some news for the Arkansas Section!

By J.M. Rowe, N5XFW - Section Manager

Hello all,

I asked in my last email for folks to send me things that would benefit from being sent out statewide. So this email will serve to follow up.

Two EC's have been appointed: W5SRE in Perry County, and N5EQW for Mississippi County. We look forward to working with them. Let's all lend them whatever support possible.

This is a link to the AWIN Quarterly Newsletter.

The Stuttgart repeater is back on the air! The info is good in the repeater directory. Randy K5NDX extends a big thank you to Bob KD5LN for the donation. Also the Grand Prarie club has been invited to Hamming in the Park. The date will be October 23. Contact Jesse KF5EQB shadow275050 (at) for more information.

I understand a group is traveling to Gillette to upgrade that repeater this weekend. Looks like it will be good weather for it! This is a sorely needed resource for that part of Arkansas, and my thanks to those fellows.

This is from James KE5OVE:
I wanted to announce that I will be conducting ARRL-VEC VE testing sessions beginning on Saturday, November 20, 2010 at 1:30 to 3:30 pm at the Vilonia Fire Department.

Testing will be held on the third Saturday of: January, March, May, July and November 2011. (September test date depends on future All Arkansas Hamfest schedule)

Testing location:

Vilonia Fire Department

7 Bise Street

Vilonia, AR 72173


James M. Cope, KE5OVE

Walk-ins welcome. All testing candidates are highly encouraged to contact the sponsor for directions and parking. (PLEASE DO NOT park in front of the fire department garage doors.)

Additionally, I would like to ask for any interested volunteer instructors if they would be willing to teach ARRL radio classes, (Tech - Extra) beginning after the first of the year (February-March time frame).

Those interested are asked to contact me at

Joe AE5NE sorted the Arkansas Repeater Council page and came up with this. You might check to see if the information is correct, and take steps if you find something in error. Contact the frequency coordinator Bob W5LVB w5lvb (at)

This is a link which may prove useful for finding hams you may not know about:

That's all I have for now. If I missed something, or if you have an addition, let me hear from you.



Monday, October 4, 2010

Some information

By J.M. Rowe, N5XFW Section Manager, Arkansas ARRL

Hello all:

Well, I had a wonderful time at the Batesville hamfest. The food was good, the weather was outstanding, the fellowship was great, and it all appeared effortless! I talked to KE5NZY about that, and he tells me they used the Incident Command System and the planning "P".

I think that is marvelous. Imagine actually putting ICS to use in real life! John says now that they know how to plan, they can do a big one! Take a lesson from the Batesville group: this stuff works, and we should include those concepts in planning for any event.

I was given the opportunity to serve as a VE as well. A very polite 8 year old fellow told me he came there to take a test. He said he had been doing practice tests online, and his grandfather said it was OK to come take the test. Long story short, he walked out after passing the Tech test with flying colors! His CSCE was signed by the Section Manager, the Delta Division Vice Director K5UZ, and the President of the BARC KE5NZY. I can tell you all three of us were thrilled to see that young ham's face when we told him he passed! He is now on the road to a lifetime of enjoyment in ham radio.

Listen up! Wayne WA5LUY (the engineer) with help from Bob W5LVB, Phil WA5VRQ and J.M. N5XFW, ( the lifters and toters and go-getters) completely changed out the 2 meter repeater in Hot Springs. What was the 146.760 machine is now the 146.880 machine. That means you guys doing the linking over RF may need to reprogram. The IRLP and the EchoLink numbers remain the same, howvever. This change was necessary to solve a mixing issue, and it appears to have worked. I conducted range tests while coming home from Batesville, and it sounds great! The 146.760 will go where the 146.880 was, as soon as WA5LUY finishes his maintenance.

Let me hear about upcoming hamfests, events, or other stuff you would like to get publicized. I wll be happy to include them in a Section Manager email. They will also go on the Facebook page and the website.

That's all I have for now.
